Creating Custom Alerts

Adding a new Custom Alert to your project

A Custom Alert can be created for a given project using the following call:

curl -X POST{projectId}/alerts
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
	"name": "Example Custom Alert",
	"queryId": 2002088770,
	"projectId": 289343322,
	"frequency": 5,
	"alertTypes": ["threshold, scheduled"],
	"repeatOnHourOfDay": 9,
	"thresholdVolume": 100,
  "thresholdPercentage": null,
	"additionalRecipients": [],
	"filter": {}

Where {projectID} is replaced with the ID of the given Project. (Click here to learn how to get your Project ID). The body provided gives an example of the minimum required fields which are detailed below.

An example response for this call is shown below (click here for a more thorough explanation of Custom Alert configuration):

  "id": 2046442302,
  "name": "Example Custom Alert",
  "queryId": 2002088770,
  "queryName": "Example Query",
  "userId": 2343208615,
  "clientId": 1357396178,
  "projectId": 289343322,
  "searchLiteString": "",
  "lastResourceId": 0,
  "lastAddedDate": "2025-02-18T15:38:53.596+0000",
  "enabled": true,
  "deleted": false,
  "frequency": 5,
  "repeatOnDayOfWeek": null,
  "repeatOnHourOfDay": null,
  "created": "2025-02-18T15:38:53.596+0000",
  "nextRun": "2025-02-18T15:38:53.596+0000",
  "mentionsPerAlert": 5,
  "externalLink": false,
  "alertTypes": [
  "threshold": null,
  "thresholdPercentage": null,
  "thresholdVolume": 100,
  "thresholdMode": "today",
  "thresholdIntervalMinutes": null,
  "thresholdStandardDeviations": null,
  "additionalRecipients": [],
  "emailCreator": true,
  "filter": {
    "queryId": [
  "modifierId": 2033208615,
  "modifiedBy": "[email protected]",
  "lastModified": "2025-02-18T15:38:53.596+0000",
  "createdBy": "[email protected]"

Required Fields

These fields must be included when creating a Custom Alert:

ParameterDefinitionAccepted Values
nameName of the custom alertstring. Must be a unique Custom Alert name within the project
queryIdThe ID of the query which the Custom Alert will run oninteger (Click here to learn how to get Query IDs)
frequencyHow often a scheduled alert is sent in minutesinteger. Valid values are 5, 15, 30, 60, 720, 1440, 10080 (these values map to the UI values of "as it happens", 5 - 60 minutes, twice daily, daily, and weekly)
alertTypesHow the Custom Alert is triggeredarray containing either or both of threshold andscheduled
repeatOnHourOfDayWhich hours of the day a thresholdVolume Custom Alert is triggered oninteger between 0 and 23. Required for thresholdVolume Custom Alerts
thresholdVolumeThe mention volume increase necessary for the Custom Alert to trigger *integer. One of thresholdVolume or thresholdPercentage is required for threshold Custom Alerts
thresholdPercentageThe percentage of mention volume increase necessary for the Custom Alert to trigger *integer. One of thresholdVolume or thresholdPercentage is required for threshold Custom Alerts
additionalRecipientsEmail addresses other than the creator's address which the Custom Alert emails should be sent toarray of strings containing valid email addresses. Required but can be empty if no additional email addresses are needed
filterFilters which can be used to further filter the mentions picked up by the Custom Alertobject containing filters (Click here to learn more about Filters). Required but can be empty if no filters are needed

* When creating a threshold Custom Alert you can include thresholdVolume or thresholdPercentage. Including both will result in thresholdPercentage being ignored.

Optional Fields

ParameterDefinitionAccepted ValuesDefault Value
mentionsPerAlertThe number of mentions to display in the Custom Alert emailinteger between 0 and 505
repeatOnDayOfWeekWhich day of the week a thresholdVolume Custom Alert is triggered oninteger between 1 and 7 (where 1 is Monday). Not required for thresholdVolume Custom Alerts but can be used to trigger them on specific days onlynull